Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Gator Towel

May 31st, 2013. (4 months, 2 weeks old.) by andrew

Big brother Ben was nice enough to pass along his ‘gator towel for me to use.

It keeps me nice and warm after bath time!

Playing with Andrew

May 25th, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben

Andrew likes to watch his animals – and even grab them! I like to help him with the grabbing, which he’s just learning. We have fun together!

Alfie and Me

May 22nd, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben

I’d like to introduce my new pet giraffe, Alfie. Right now he’s sleeping in the swing. Shhhh!

Thanks Aunt Jo for sending me my new best friend!

Picnic with Friends

May 22nd, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben

Recently, I had a picnic with my friends. We play beanbags, soccer, and just ran around a lot.

We also took a break to cool down and watch some videos…

4 months old

May 20th, 2013. (4 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

Mommy likes to dress me up and take pictures of me on special occasions. I guess turning 4 months old is one of them.

Here I am in my veggie romper!

Chocolate Ice Cream

May 7th, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben

We made some homemade chocolate ice cream and guess what? Daddy let me lick the ice cream maker stirrer clean.

Now if I could only lick me clean. Mmmmmmm…

Pirate Booty

May 5th, 2013. (3 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew

Are you checking out my Pirate Booty?

Sometimes I shake it!

Bread for School Snack

May 1st, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben

We signed up to bring school snack. We made Panettone bread, and I got to help Mommy bake it.

We also brought some apple slices. (It took all my willpower, but I did NOT eat any of those cubes of butter. Honest!)

Readin’ the comics

April 15th, 2013. (4 years, 10 months old.) by ben

Lately I’ve been enjoying reading the comics at breakfast along with eating my cereal. Daddy helps me when there’s words.

Brothers at play

April 13th, 2013. (4 years, 10 months old.) by ben

Here I’m introducing Andrew to Legos. I know he’s too little to play with small Legos – he might eat them! So I got some larger ones out to show him just to be safe. That’s what a good older brother would do.

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