Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
Instructions not included…

My First Porsche

April 30th, 2009. (10 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Here she is!  Isn’t she a beaut?  All shiny and complete with a trunk that goes up and down and headlights that go in and out when she rolls on down the road!


(Thanks Great Aunt Carol and Great Uncle John!)

Oh, and just in case you wanted to see a picture of me, here’s one of my latest sleeping jaunts…


Some kids are afraid of vacuums…

April 29th, 2009. (10 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

… but not me!  I like them.  Ours makes lots of noise and has a light, and moves all over so I can chase it.


When I catch it and touch it, I can feel the vibrations!



April 26th, 2009. (10 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Hi everyone.  I hope you enjoy the movie!

Apple Eatin’

April 24th, 2009. (10 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

After the M&M Encounter, M&D decided that I should get to try out my new teeth on something they call an “apple”.  That say it is “healthier”.  I’m not sure what that means, but I can say that that it doesn’t taste as good as the M&Ms.  But it does pose an additional biting challenge for my teeth – so I’m game!



Check out my bottom chompers!

Conducting the Dinner Symphony

April 22nd, 2009. (10 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

I’m new at this conducting thing – maybe that’s why M&D don’t respond to my direction as well as I would like.


(Ed Note: I definitely think it explains the hair-doo, though.)

Walkin’ the Walk(er)

April 20th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Here I’m showing off my walk(er)ing ability.

Pretty soon, I’ll even be able to turn it by myself!  With my newfound speed and mobility, I’ll finally be able to catch Atlas!

Easter Egg Hunting

April 18th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Mommy & Daddy took me outside for an Easter egg hunt last Sunday.  Searching for eggs amongst the bubbles was fun…


… but just as fun was sitting and playing with the dirt.


I did get to wear my new fancy hat!  What do you think?

Pulling Up Lesson

April 15th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I’m thinking of starting a self help series for other kids.  To that end, I’ve developed some sample curricula to beta test the idea.  This lesson is a mid-level lesson on “Pulling Up”.

Try it out, and tell me what you think!

Step 1: Get up on your knees, and look around to see if this is your best option for pulling up.


Step 2: If you locate a better option, get down and start making your way for it immediately.  The best options are Mommies and Daddies, and they’re mobile, so move quickly!

Notice that I maintain eye contact in order to “stun” my target and keep them from moving away while I’m approaching.


Step 3: Final Approach.  This is the part where you give your victim target one last look to assess good grab-on points.  Also, it is good to ensure that your target is not moving, or you could be in for a bumpy ride.


Step 4: Pull Up!  Grab, pull, and step.  Making entertaining buzzing noises earns you bonus points!


Step 5: Smile!  This step is often overlooked by amateurs, but I’ve found that it pays back over the long term by helping you to acquire Mommy and Daddy targets in the future.


How to Hit Stuff

April 13th, 2009. (10 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Just practicing my aim…

Cute-off with Nicholas

April 11th, 2009. (10 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Today, I met Nicholas Pieper.  Right when we laid eyes on each other, we knew that there was going to be stiff competition for attention given to the cutest baby…  You can really sense the oncoming smackdown here:


And then the words came: “Ben, Nicholas!  Look over here!”, and the race was on!


Who’s cuter?

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