Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Summer Vacation – The Island

July 29th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

The first order of business was to get some holes dug and sand castles built, stat!  Luckily, I had Avery there to help me.

Avery stayed over, so we got to keep having fun even after pajama time.

The next day, it was time for a ride over on the ferry.  There’s lots of things to see from the ferry…

… like… the Fun Zone!  Boy did I have my eye on that Ferris Wheel!

First, though we went for a walk out to the pier to see the big waves.

There they are!

On the way back was the big payoff!  A Ferris Wheel ride with Daddy AND Avery!  Weeeee!

Summer Vacation – Grandparent Galore!

July 28th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

The first visit on our trip was at Ma and Pa’s.  As always, I like reading books with Ma.

And it’s always fun to play with my favorite LA cousin.  Daddy says she gives me a run for my money on the noise making front, and I said, “Uh huh”. Pbbbbbbbbffffttt!

This trip was special because I got to meet my newest cousin, baby Oliver!  Do babies really start out that small?  I was never that small!

After visiting at Ma and Pa’s, it was time to see Grandpa and Nana.  As always, I start with cleaning the pool.  The pool at Grandpa’s is sooo fun.

Then, some more relaxing and book reading.   I wanted to share my new Airplane book with Grandpa.  I know he likes airplanes because he has lots of papers with pictures of them on his table.

Then it was time to go to lunch where we saw some big vacuum trucks!  Very cool!

After that, it was time for a trip to the park and some exercise.  Look at how strong I am!

Thank you Ma and Pa, and Grandpa and Nana for letting us come stay and visit you!

Next – on to The Island!

Summer Vacation – LA bound

July 26th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

We’re now back from our vacation, but I wanted to tell you all about it.

We started by driving all the way to Los Angeles.  Our first stop was Ghiradelli’s for ice cream.  That made all the driving worth it – at least that’s what Mommy said!

We had some fun climbing on the rocks and looking for otters amongst the kelp.  We found a crab claw and a starfish!

After all that excitement, I retired to our room to relax with the rock garden.

The next day we drove through Big Sur and stopped at this very functional bridge.  There was a waterfall there, too.

With all the driving we were doing, I got very good at sleeping in the van.

Later we were at the pier in Santa Barbara.  They had some very neat flags – and more ice cream!

The next morning, I got to carry our “officially sanctioned” breakfast down to the lobby for breakfast.  I think M&D wanted me to eat something good after all that ice cream!

Next… on to Ma and Pa’s!

Pumping my own swing!

July 17th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

Lately, I’ve learned to pump my own legs to make the swing go higher!

I practice every chance I get – like at Shannon’s birthday party!

Racing through Checkout

July 14th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

I always love to go to Home Depot, and not just because I get to go with Daddy.  Can’t guess why?  They have RACE CAR SHOPPING CARTS, which are THE BEST!  Vrrrrroooooommmm!

I also get to beep the stuff we’re buying.

Cooling off

July 1st, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

It was HOT the other day, so Mommy turned on the sprinkler for me.

That really helps, but someone needs to invent a sprinkler that doesn’t spray in your face.  I don’t like that.