Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Walking Practice

November 23rd, 2013. (10 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

Lately, I’ve been using the table to help me get around.

Weeeeeee!  Fun!

Will walking be this fun after I learn to walk?

Closet Fort

November 22nd, 2013. (10 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

Big brudder Ben and I like playing in the fort in M&D’s closet.

We can hide in there and laugh a lot!  Ben really knows how to play and have fun!

Blanket Warmer

November 20th, 2013. (5 years, 5 months old.) by ben

I like to offer warm blankets to M&D on cold mornings when the furnace turns on.  The furnace is my warm blanket maker!

I warm them up and deliver them to wherever Mommy or Daddy are.  They really like getting them!

Visit to Dan and Amber’s

November 18th, 2013. (5 years, 5 months old.) by ben

We took a trip to visit Cousins Dan and Amber.  Avery and Ollie came, too.  They had a great backyard with lots of leaves to play with.

We collected them up…

… and then had as much fun with them as we could!

Wooo hooo!

Washing Machine Repair

November 15th, 2013. (10 months old.) by andrew

Ben was the expert at inspecting the old washer.  But we have a new one now, and this one is my job to check out.

Looks… shiny inside.

Better than not shiny.  Looks good!

10 months old

November 13th, 2013. (10 months old.) by andrew

Now that I’m 10 months old, I like to be sitting up and playing – not lying down for my pictures!

Mommy does a great job of making sure that I’m busy all day!


November 13th, 2013. (5 years, 5 months old.) by ben


Can’t be too careful.  There might be an explosion of color!

Experiments in Climbing

November 10th, 2013. (9 months, 4 weeks old.) by andrew

Lately, pulling up just isn’t enough.  I need something more.  Like this box here.

Mommy?  Mommy!  Are you OK?  Don’t panic, Mommy!  I’m OK!

Morning Stroll

November 4th, 2013. (9 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew

Guess who gets to ride to kindergarten in the morning with Ben?  Me!!!

And I get to wear this cool looking but warm hat, too!

Getting up is hard to do…

November 2nd, 2013. (5 years, 5 months old.) by ben

Princesses or no, sometimes you just don’t feel like getting up in the morning.

(Ed. Note: Especially when M&D are shifting your schedule later to prepare for the time change!)