Wish List
Today, Ben is 16 years, 8 months, 6 days old. Andrew is 12 years, 3 weeks, 4 days old.Wow… Can you tell this page is out of date! I’ll have to update this later, but for now, Ben has relocated his wish list to Amazon.
This next part is totally out of date (it is May 2016), but I can’t bring myself to delete it just now:
- Clothes: size 12-18 months. (Ben currently weighs 22 lbs and he is ~30 inches long, and is in 12 and 18 month sizes right now if that helps you with sizing. Note that some 12 month clothing is really getting too small, so targeting 18-24 month clothing is probably best.)
- Shoe size: Size 6 are big but wearable on Ben right now.
- Books: especially board books! We read with Ben every night, during the day, and he often picks up books and pages through them when he’s just playing by himself! We particularly like books by Sandra Boynton (Ben has only One, Two, Three), Richard Scarry, and Nina Laden right now.
- Music: Ben likes the “Baby Noah” and “Sing and Play” CDs we have and would enjoy any other music CDs from the Baby Einstein collection.
- Toys: Ben likes his ring stacker and “Basher“, to give you some ideas. He’s pretty coordinated. Other things to consider:
- Wood toys
- Stacking toys
- Simple puzzles
- Things to pound on
- A tricycle or Big-Wheel can’t be far in Ben’s future. He’s pretty coordinated for his age.
- Toy cell phone (Ben has now figured out how to open Mommy’s and has started speed dialing!)
- “Radio Flyer” type wagon.
- Full-size Tonka Truck.