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Tooth #4

May 17th, 2016. (7 years, 11 months old.) by ben

Astute observers may have noticed in my last post a bit of a gap in my grin. No, it wasn’t the fault of a baseball! I lost this tooth fair and square – the first one that Daddy didn’t yank out with floss, in fact!

Ohhhhh, Tooth Fairy! Cha-ching!

2 Responses to “Tooth #4”

  1. comment number 1 by: granpa

    Ben, I know you like getting money from the tooth fairy, but remember you have to save a few teeth to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your a growing boy and need to eat well.

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara Scherba

    Ben, biting into an apple will be hard for awhile, but when your new tooth arrives it will be easy again. Love you