Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Cheese is Grate!

March 20th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

I still like helping M&D in the kitchen.  Especially when it involves cheese.  And really especially when I get to eat some of that cheese.  Mmmmm….

Can you believe Mommy lets me use the cheese grater?

R/C Car

March 16th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Liz got this car for me for my second birthday. I’m getting better at driving it now.


March 10th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

This is probably the only time I have ever washed my hair all by myself, so Daddy took a picture to commemorate the occasion.

Would I do it again?  Eh.  Probably not.

iPad in repose

March 5th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

Lately I’ve been going pee pee on the potty!  M&D made a sticker chart for me, and every time I go, I get a sticker!   Also, I can watch videos while I wait for the pee pees to come.  This potty thing isn’t so bad.