Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Motorcycle Ride

March 30th, 2014. (5 years, 9 months old.) by ben

I went for my first ride on the motorcycle!  That was really fun!  It was just around the neighborhood, but maybe next time we’ll go further.

Andrew thought it looked like so much fun that he wanted to sit and try it out.

He found the neat flip toy that they build right into the top there where he can reach it.  That motorcycle has something for everyone!

Hammering away…

March 24th, 2014. (14 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

You might remember my brudder playing with this toy.  Well, I’ve got it all figured out now, too!


March 23rd, 2014. (14 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

Oooohhh… what’s this?

Daddy lets me touch the DIRT!

(Ed. Note: On a related note – the return of the blue sun hat!)


March 17th, 2014. (5 years, 9 months old.) by ben

I got a hold of some sticky notes and decided to do some writing.

Somehow, these are just more fun than regular paper.

(Ed. Note: I love Ben’s stream of consciousness…)

14 Months

March 15th, 2014. (14 months old.) by andrew

For my 14 Month update, Daddy did a video because I’m walking around all the time!

Using a spoon

March 12th, 2014. (14 months old.) by andrew

I’ve been experimenting with using a spoon.

Harder than it looks, but also waaaay more fun!

Next up: co-opting not only the utensils, but the food from their table, too!

Tippy Piggies

March 5th, 2014. (13 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew

Sometimes you have…to…get…up…on your tippy…piggies… to reach what you need to.


Just plain silly

March 3rd, 2014. (5 years, 9 months old.) by ben

Don’t I look cool?  Yeah!

I insisted that Daddy take my picture and put it on the blog.

(Ed. Note: … to the delight of future girlfriends, no doubt…)