January 29th, 2013. (2 weeks, 3 days old.) by andrew
Ho Hum… Just another day hanging around the house. This time, though, Daddy is looking out for me while we tour around.
He’s pretty talented. He can take pictures at the same time he’s holding me.
But it’s hard for me to get too excited about these things. <Yawn!> More sleep please, Daddy!
(Ed. Note: Me too, Andrew!)
Posted in Daddy |
January 29th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
Daddy and I went out to drive the go-carts and play mini golf.
I had a great time, but I found out that it is harder to hit a hole-in-one than I thought!
And those go-carts! They go too fast and they’re loud. I had to tell Daddy to slow down! I didn’t want him bumping into the edges of the track.
(Ed. Note: Ben was comfortable with about 4mph. 8 was too fast.)
Posted in Firsts, Fun |
January 29th, 2013. (2 weeks, 3 days old.) by andrew
I’m growing up!
I’m just like the big kids now!
Posted in Milestones |
January 26th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
We’ve been getting homework from school for the last couple of weeks. This week, the letters are ‘E’, and ‘F’.
I’m getting the hang of tracing them out. And thanks for the shirt, Ma! I’ve worn it every day since you left.
(Ed. Note: The shirt has been washed at least once…)
Posted in Learning |
January 26th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
Great Aunt Barb and Uncle Steve sent me some sidewalk chalk for Andrew’s birthday. I had a great time with it outside.
Daddy even made a hopscotch that we practiced on. I hope people keep sending me things for Andrew’s birthday. That could really work for me!
Posted in Toys |
January 26th, 2013. (2 weeks old.) by andrew
M&D took me to the doctor the other day for my first checkup. It was a little cold outside, but sheesh!
What if I’m famous one day and then this picture surfaces? No one will take me seriously!
(Ed. Note: M&D take full responsibility. And Andrew did great at his doctor visit!)
Posted in General |
January 24th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
Sometimes the Cuties squirt you in the eye when you peel them. And that stings. So Mommy loaned me her onion goggles for the task.
Works great!
Posted in Learning |
January 23rd, 2013. (1 week, 4 days old.) by andrew
Hi everyone. Wow! My first post! Thanks for letting me share your blog, Ben!
I just got home from the hospital after a week in the nursery. My big brother Ben gave me his Snoopy doll! What a great brother.
Just a little about me: I was born January 12 and weighed 6 lbs 6oz, and my favorite pastimes are sleeping and eating.
(Ed. Note: Check out this post for a similar car seat picture with Ben.)
Posted in General |
January 23rd, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
Well, since Little Brother Andrew is officially home now, and he needs a place to tell the world about himself, I’ve decided to share my blog with him. My editor thought this would be the best thing for the whole family. So, everyone, please give Andrew a warm welcome!
You’ll see posts from me (ben) and Andrew here from now on. Isn’t my little brother cute?
Posted in General |
January 20th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben
Since Andrew will be coming home soon, M&D moved me into my new room.
Daddy painted a nice mural for me to help get the room ready. I asked for the FedEx truck and the garbage truck, and Wow! Good job, Daddy!
I put up some stickers to decorate the other walls.
So far, I’m really liking my new room!
Posted in General |