Pulling up
September 23rd, 2013. (8 months, 1 week old.) by andrewI’m pulling up now, and I’m very proud of myself. You can look forward to me walking soon!
(Ed. Note: Crib mattress was summarily lowered!)
September 16th, 2013. (8 months old.) by andrewFarmer’s Market
September 14th, 2013. (5 years, 3 months old.) by benOne of my favorite things to do on Saturdays during the summer is to go to the Farmer’s Market. That’s because I get to sample the stone fruit!
This time it was the nectarines that were really yummy.
This isn’t actually as painful as it looks. I’m just making funny faces.
Can’t wait until next week!
8 months old
September 12th, 2013. (8 months old.) by andrewI’m getting to be a big kid now! I can crawl all over the place and pull up on some things now!
The waste baskets are not safe! Bwa ha ha ha!
Here’s some older pictures of me so you can look:
Daddy? Where are you going?
September 10th, 2013. (7 months, 4 weeks old.) by andrewSometimes when I’m following Daddy places I get stopped.
Then I have to put on my best charm. “Daddy? Where are you going? Can you take me with you? If you just come back that would be OK, too!” Please!?
First Homework!
September 10th, 2013. (5 years, 3 months old.) by benFor homework, I had to “sort” and “classify” the laundry. I chose to sort by color. Here you can see my handiwork. Don’t my stacks look pretty?
Mommy helped me by folding it all. (Thanks, Mommy!) I drew a picture to describe how I did my sorting that I turn back in to my teacher.
I wonder if I get extra credit for keeping Andrew away from my piles!
Biking for Ice Cream
September 4th, 2013. (5 years, 3 months old.) by benDaddy said I’m finally a good enough bike rider that I could ride with him down to the ice cream shop for a treat!
I was a bit scared of the big hill at first, but by the time we got back, I wasn’t scared anymore. It was really fun! And I got some cookies and cream!
Photo Credit: Mom
Napkin Thief
September 1st, 2013. (7 months, 2 weeks old.) by andrewNow that I’m crawling around, I have to try to put it to good use.
I’ve discovered that I get a lot of attention when I take Ben’s napkin. So it is lots of fun! I sneak up and…
…Swipe! Yay!