July 13th, 2008. (1 month, 1 week, 5 days old.) by ben
Some kids have to wait until they can crawl before their parent buy them a new car. Some have to wait until they can ride a bike, and others even have to wait until they have a driver’s license (!)
Well, I don’t have to tell you how cool my parents are. I’m 6 weeks old today, and I’ll be driving this baby just as soon as I <yawn> wake up from this nap…
Ok, ok. So the real story is that Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Carole came to the Bay Area to visit some friends, and are parking their snazzy Z3 here for the week while they do that. I’m sure they’d be OK with just a little spin around the block, though.
(Ed. Note: Thanks to Mom for her help in getting these pictures!)
July 9th, 2008. (1 month, 1 week, 1 day old.) by ben
If my parents have their way, I think I’ll be a Boy Scout one day. As you can see, I was prepared for every contingency on this recent trip – or at least very prepared for one particular contingency… which did come to pass… and well, my clothes did survive intact!
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Just another day at the office, ho-hum. Actually, in addition to my usual mid and post meal burpings, today I got a visit from Jon & Nicole of Seattle fame. They were in town for a friend’s wedding and came over to meet me! We had a nice chat – they told me about my second cousins Toby and Haley, who I’m sure I’ll get to visit someday. (I’ve already reprimanded my photographer for not getting a picture of my visitors!)
This week I finally grew into (and got a chance to wear) this GREAT hat from Judy. You can see how excited I am!
Me and the cat, just chillin’. Actually, if you can’t tell, I’m steadily gaining on him. Pretty soon I won’t be the smallest member of the family. On Wednesday, I weighed in (unofficially, at the new Mommy support group) at about 12 pounds. Atlas only has me by 2 or 3 pounds now.
The nurses at the new Mommy support group were astounded that I’m gulping down 4 ounces at each feeding from the bottle – and I’m only 1 month old! Maybe that explains how I’ve put on 4 pounds since I was born. Here’s Daddy, feeding me those 4 ounces…
Here I’m sacked out (Ed. Note: Groan…) after a long day of keeping Mommy and Daddy busy. Touchdown!
Well, I’m 3 weeks old now, and as you can see, I’m getting pretty comfortable. And Daddy is getting pretty good at rocking me to sleep in the glider.
Of course, Daddy seems to think that once I’m asleep, I’m fair game to make fun of (He’s mocking my “Eeeeevil..” pose…) . I suppose that’s a fair trade off seeing as I’m getting him and Mommy up at all hours of the night…
Here’s the Daddy’s eye view when I’m hanging out in the Moby. The Moby is warm and comfy, but sometimes I want to look around and see what’s going on!
Here, I’m practicing waving to my fans from the penthouse level on my custom made dresser/changing table high-rise. A big thanks to Grandpa Scherba for building me such nice diggs! Here I come, MTV Cribz!
Here I am making my video debut! I think Daddy still has some work to do to figure out the kinks in the video rendering chain, but I’m sure he’ll figure it out. Daddy didn’t mention it, but in the night-mode section, the room was pitch black! The camera uses something Daddy calls “infrared” to take video in the dark. Pretty cool!
(Ed. Note: The video is rendered to Windows Media Video format (apologies). If it doesn’t play well here on the web page, you can download it here, and play it from your computer. Also this won’t work in FireFox without the Windows Media Plugin installed – or you can use IE to see the embedded video (again, apologies), or use the download link.)
Here I’m having a little quality face to face time with Mommy. I like looking at her because she’s soooo pretty!
Daddy says my hands look like his, but clearly mine are smaller. Duh.
Today I went into the doctor for my 2 week checkup. The first indication about the visit was before we even left the house. Mommy and Daddy had to adjust the carseat straps because I was too big! Later, at the doctor’s office, they weighed me in at 9 lbs., 7.5 oz., and 21.25 inches long! There must be something in the water… errrrr milk that is.
Well, I’m officially two weeks old today, and Daddy finally worked up the guts to try me on. (Ed. Note: Hey!) We had fun walking around the house. I’m very well behaved when I’m in the ‘Moby’ – I mostly sleep.
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Well, I’m officially one week old today, and I’m finally getting comfortable in my new home:
I’m also branching out in my wardrobe choices. Here, I’m modeling some sheep slippers all the way from New Zealand (or is it Australia?) (Thanks, Kay!)
And here, I’m wearing one of the latest Mommies in Sonoma County!
And here I am sleeping in one of my Spring Collection onesies. Don’t I look just too cute in yellow? And the Wild Child pacifier portrays my inner child even when it doesn’t look like it…
In case you haven’t met them, here’s my parents. What are they so happy about anyway? (I think it must be sleep deprivation kicking in.)
This is how I let people know that I’m hungry. My motto is “Open and Lunge!”
Today I’m trying out my new bouncer for the first time. I like all the animals keeping watch over me.
Now that I’m almost two (Ed. Note: 2 weeks old), I like to contemplate the meaning of life like grownups.