Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Visit from Grandma

February 8th, 2009. (8 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Grandma Scherba came up to visit me (& M&D, I suspect) last week.

We had a great time reading, eating, and playing together.

I’m looking forward to her next visit!

Clap clap clap

February 7th, 2009. (8 months old.) by ben

After this performance, I’m sure you’ll be clapping, too.

Shower Time

February 3rd, 2009. (8 months old.) by ben

I got to stand in the shower with Daddy the other day.  This water stuff is tricky, though.  You touch it, and it disappears! I’m definitely going to have to investigate this further in the future.

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