Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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January 20th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Before Andrew was born, we met Meridith and Cole for brunch. They have a fish pond at the restaurant.

We smiled just long enough for a picture before going back to looking at the fish!

Ice Harvest

January 17th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

It has been really cold here the last few days. Daddy pointed out one morning that our fountain had frozen over! We decided to have some fun and find out if it was solid to the bottom, or just some ice on top. Break out the ice picks!

Turns out the ice didn’t go all the way to the bottom, so I could pull out the pieces. Cool! I mean, Cold!

(Ed. Note, ice was about 1/4″ thick)

Cake Pops!

January 16th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Before Andrew was born, Mommy and I made cake pops for the baby shower. Of course, the shower got canceled because Andrew got born too soon.

Hmmm… Since there was no shower, I wonder where all those cake pops went. Mommy? Daddy?

Visit up close

January 15th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Daddy, Ma, and I went to the hospital today, and Andrew is well enough that he could come over by the window where I could really see him.

He’s really cute! I can’t wait to bring him home!


January 14th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Here I am at the hospital looking in on my new brother, Andrew. I can’t go in to see him since I have a cold. I hope he’ll be out soon!

Baby Brother Is Here!

January 13th, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Baby brother is here! Boy is he cute!

And small.

I visited Mommy and baby brother in the hospital. I was very excited to see them!

I’m looking forward to when baby brother comes home. And gets a name. Maybe M&D will do that soon!

(Ed. Note: Baby brother was born 1/12/13 at 10:17am, 6lbs, 6oz. 19 1/4 inches.)

(Update: M&D have named my new brother: Andrew Wilson Stark. Yay!)

Family Walk

January 2nd, 2013. (4 years, 7 months old.) by ben

The other day we went for a family walk.  It was kind of raining, so we wore our raincoats.  The good thing about rain is when you have some sun too, because you can get a rainbow!

This rainbow was actually a double one, but it’s hard to see in the picture.

We also explored the park, which had lots and lots of water that was really deep.  I thought maybe we could go swimming, but Daddy wouldn’t let me go in!  I wonder why?

After the park, we also explored ‘Skyhawk Lake’.  The ground was really skooshy.

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