Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Trip to the Park

December 13th, 2014. (23 months old.) by andrew

In between the rainy parts, we made a trip to the park.

I got to try out the rocking horsey.

Maybe one day my feet will reach the pegs.  But for now, I can still have fun!  Weeeee!

Making Gingerbread Houses

December 12th, 2014. (6 years, 6 months old.) by ben

Aves and I made gingerbread houses last weekend.  Well, I made a house and she made a cottage – long story.

But it was tasty just the same!  Thanks Uncle John for making such yummy gingerbread!

New/used trucks!

December 1st, 2014. (22 months, 2 weeks old.) by andrew

Ah ha!  What’s this doing in my room?

A… garbage truck.  All brightly colored and age-appropriate!  Very interesting!

And this big dump truck is pretty awesome, too!

Now if I could just figure out how to work the buttons…

(Ed. Note: Andrew is very appreciative of the hand-me-down toys.)

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