Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 1 week, 2 days old.

Andrew is 11 years, 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day old.


Watching with Ben

February 18th, 2015. (2 years, 1 month old.) by andrew

Sometimes I get to watch videos with Ben.

He is a great brother!

Pancakes on the Griddle!

February 17th, 2015. (2 years, 1 month old.) by andrew

Daddy let me use the real griddle to make my pancakes.

I learned how to flip the pancakes by watching Ben.

Once I’m good enough, maybe Daddy will let me try with the real thing!


February 16th, 2015. (6 years, 8 months old.) by ben

Daddy pulled my 2nd tooth out.  It was really loose and I was itching for another visit from the tooth fairy.  (Ed. Note: It was also another shark tooth…)

This time it came out on the first try, and we found it right away this time.

Making Lemonade

February 13th, 2015. (2 years, 1 month old.) by andrew

Ho Hum… Just another day at the salt mines lemonade factory.

Is it all done?  Hmmmm…..  might be empty.

Just kidding.  I had fun and I get to drink the lemonade when it is all done.  Yum!

(Ed. Note: Ben enjoyed this activity, too.)

Filling Ben’s Shoes

February 12th, 2015. (2 years, 1 month old.) by andrew

I’m showing everybody that I know how to wear light up shoes.  Maybe my next pair can have lights.  How about it, M&D?

Close Encounter

February 10th, 2015. (2 years old.) by andrew

Close encounter, of the Postal Service kind.

I had fun following the mail truck all the way up and then back down our street.  Do it again, Daddy!  Do it again!


February 9th, 2015. (2 years old.) by andrew

If you think this is bad…

ask Daddy about the time he dropped me in the garbage can!

(Ed. Note: Please DO NOT ask Daddy about that.  The plastic is to keep the rain off!)

Basketball Season Again

February 7th, 2015. (6 years, 8 months old.) by ben

Well, it’s time for hoops again.  Once again I’m Coach Mark’s team.

This year, we’re the Warriors, and we’re undefeated!

(Ed. Note: No official score is kept, but that doesn’t deter the kids!)

Baseball Clinic

February 2nd, 2015. (6 years, 8 months old.) by ben

Daddy took me out to a baseball clinic so I could do what I love most: play baseball!

I got to field grounders like Pablo!

And catch fly balls like Hunter!

There was also batting practice!

Too bad I can’t do this every weekend!

Chippys and Cheese

January 25th, 2015. (2 years old.) by andrew

Sometimes for snack we have chippys and cheese.  And now I have enough teeth to eat them!  Yummy!


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