Bedtime in Ben’s Room
December 18th, 2014. (23 months old.) by andrewOne of my favorite times of day is after jammies and before bed.
If I’m lucky, I get to hang out in Ben’s room and look at some of his books. And he has a big comfy BED to lie on!
Fountain Fun
December 16th, 2014. (23 months old.) by andrewPuddles!
December 14th, 2014. (23 months old.) by andrewWith all this rain comes… puddles!
If you look very closely, you can see that each puddle has an Andrew in it! Look, Daddy!
Trip to the Park
December 13th, 2014. (23 months old.) by andrewIn between the rainy parts, we made a trip to the park.
I got to try out the rocking horsey.
Maybe one day my feet will reach the pegs. But for now, I can still have fun! Weeeee!
Making Gingerbread Houses
December 12th, 2014. (6 years, 6 months old.) by benAves and I made gingerbread houses last weekend. Well, I made a house and she made a cottage – long story.
But it was tasty just the same! Thanks Uncle John for making such yummy gingerbread!
New/used trucks!
December 1st, 2014. (22 months, 2 weeks old.) by andrewAh ha! What’s this doing in my room?
A… garbage truck. All brightly colored and age-appropriate! Very interesting!
And this big dump truck is pretty awesome, too!
Now if I could just figure out how to work the buttons…
(Ed. Note: Andrew is very appreciative of the hand-me-down toys.)
Reading at Night-night Time
November 29th, 2014. (22 months, 2 weeks old.) by andrewSometimes I read with just Mommy or Daddy, but sometimes we read a story together with Ben.
Sometimes I’m just too wiggly to sit still for one of Ben’s big books, but this one had lots of pictures!
First Lost Tooth!
November 26th, 2014. (6 years, 5 months old.) by benWell, Daddy said it was time for my tooth to come out since it had to get out of the way of my shark tooth. So he tied it to the doorknob, and 4 tries later (the string kept slipping off!), it popped right out!
Yay! My first lost tooth! And we almost really lost it, too. It shot out of my mouth, bounced off the doorknob, left the floss behind and disappeared. Forty-five minutes of searching later, Daddy found it 15 feet away on the bathroom sink! By then, I’d already written an explanatory note to the tooth fairy. Good thing I didn’t have to use it!
The next morning, I found a gold dollar coin under my pillow!
Thank you, tooth fairy!
(Ed. Note: While the woven floss held on to the tooth better than the waxed, it has a much larger spring coefficient, which I believe responsible for the extraordinary trajectory of the tooth which caught us all off-guard. Let this be a word of caution to parents out there. Oh, and way to go, Ben!)
November 25th, 2014. (22 months, 1 week old.) by andrewIt’s time to clean out rooms, and guess what? That means all of budder’s stuff is out of the closet where I can get to it!
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