August 13th, 2014. (19 months old.) by andrew
I went on my first airplane trip!
It was fun seeing all the airplane stuff, and playing with the tray in front of me, but the flight was waaaaay too long.
At least after we got off the airplane I got to see Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma read me a story before bedtime.
And going for a walk with Grandpa was fun.
And Grandpa has a very cool green truck. It reminds me of my Little Blue Truck book. We got to go for lots of rides!
And I got to help move the gate up and down!…
…and play golf in the back!
On the airplane ride home I was just too tired to stay awake.
What a fun trip!
Posted in Family, Firsts, Visits |
August 13th, 2014. (6 years, 2 months old.) by ben
We went down to cousin Christine’s wedding. Our rental car had a trunk big enough to use as a PJs changing room!
Before the wedding, we went to LegoLand where we saw lots of Legos and went on roller coasters and saw a 3D show about Clutch Powers! They have lots of Star Wars Legos there now!
I got to be in the wedding. I was the ring bearer. This meant I got to go practice, which included sitting in the dugout with the groom guys. (Ed Note: Looks more like the penalty box!)
Of course, cousin Avery was in the wedding, too. She was a flower girl. Doesn’t she look nice?
I had a great time at the party after the wedding. Dancing to the music and getting chocolate from the fountain was really fun! I can’t wait until my next wedding! Does anybody need a ring-bearer?
Posted in Family, Firsts, Vacations, Visits |
August 12th, 2014. (19 months old.) by andrew
Kitty and I are good friends. He even lets me sit with him and pet him sometimes.
Very exciting!
Posted in Fun |
August 10th, 2014. (18 months, 4 weeks old.) by andrew
Step right up and I’ll show you how I bake some bread in this here bread maker!
You put your ingredients in here, and then you just stir them all up. Ye-siree!
Anything that gets me more bread is a good thing, even if I have to make it myself!
Posted in Fun |
August 8th, 2014. (6 years, 2 months old.) by ben
Andrew likes to hear stories, and I can read well enough to read books to him now.
And for some reason, Daddy always gets the camera when this happens. OK, Dad, we’ll stop and smile.
Posted in Brothers |
August 6th, 2014. (18 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew
Did you know that you can walk out in our backyard and find grapes, tomatoes, and blueberries to eat? And even apples!
I just love to pull stuff off of plants and eat in the backyard.
Posted in General |
August 4th, 2014. (18 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew
If you bug Mommy while she’s working the kitchen, well, let’s just say that she puts you to work. Otherwise known as: M&D have started my knife skills training.
Talk about throwing me in the deep end! Next time, can we start with something like cooked carrots and not Brussels sprouts! And maybe a spoon!
Posted in Firsts, Learning |
August 2nd, 2014. (6 years, 2 months old.) by ben
Daddy took me to the fair today and guess what we saw? A Lego model of AT&T park! I was just there on Wednesday! There’s even a big Coke bottle and a picture of Buster Posey on the Jumbo-tron!
I also liked this flag made of baseball bats.
Avery and I got to go on some really fun rides, like this ‘Silver Streak’!
And the crazy caterpillar coaster!
Posted in Family, Fun |
July 30th, 2014. (6 years, 1 month old.) by ben
We went to San Francisco today to see the Pirates play the Giants – my first major league baseball game!
Daddy got us really good seats – although he didn’t get us seats where the foul balls kept going. Next time, I want those seats!
I learned how to really root for your team:
We had some nice treats, like ice cream…
… and this thing Daddy called a ‘churro’.
Awesome! Except that the Pirates lost (7-5). Oh well.
It was such an exciting day that I fell asleep in the car on the way home – in my new Giants hat! Guess I’m a giants fan, now.
Posted in Daddy, Daddy's Favorites, Firsts, Fun, Video |
July 24th, 2014. (6 years, 1 month old.) by ben
M&D and I took a trip out to the beach. First we went back to the tide pools so I could show Mommy what she missed on the field trip.
Then we went over to the wave beach. My friend Zoey came to meet us and Daddy buried us in the sand!
I want to go back again!
Posted in Firsts, Friends |