Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day old.

Andrew is 12 years, 4 days old.


Bad to the Bone

February 21st, 2012. (3 years, 8 months old.) by ben

I’m trying to cultivate my tough-guy image, complete with tattoos, but the brownie batter on my nose may be working against me. (It was too yummy to resist!)

What do you think? B-b-b-bad to the bone?


February 16th, 2012. (3 years, 8 months old.) by ben

(Ed Note: Slumberrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Crash!)

Cats and Binkys

February 9th, 2012. (3 years, 8 months old.) by ben

It’s always nice when Atlas comes in to say ‘hi’ in the morning.  But I hate that “just rolled out of bed and haven’t taken out my binkys” look.

I’m going to have to have a word with my photographer about popping in so early with the camera.

Best Daddy Ever Application

January 27th, 2012. by wil

I know it’s only January, but I think I’m already ready to submit my entry.

What to do when your child breaks their free, plastic trash can (ahem!  Recycle Bin…)… note once, but twice?  And breaks it in that unrepairable, broken plastic, “we’ll just have to throw this away” way?  Both times?  Oh, and did I mention that this assemblage of plastic is a longtime favorite toy?

You come to this Daddy.  That’s what.

Our first breakage was of the black plastic axle. With a little help from Grandpa Stark (I learn from, and take pointers from the best, you know), I worked in a brand new metal axle, melted right into those wheels.  That baby ain’t never coming off.  And the wheels?  They still roll.  That’s right.

While technically this fix occurred last year, I’m going to go ahead and include it on this year’s application, since the second repair to the same toy occurred today.

This time, Ben managed to snap off one of the two remaining lid attach points.  Once again, metal and torch to the rescue:

I’ve installed a custom fashioned bailing wire hinge that is melted into the lid for good measure.  And yes, the lid opens and closes as before.

When the judges are ready to award the prize, I can be contacted through this blog. :-)

More Experiments in Napping

January 26th, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Since this was so popular the first time, there’s more!

(Ed Note: Perhaps commentors can come up with some good captions for these…)

Construction worker

January 24th, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

You may have seen my new construction worker outfit in the last post.  Well, here’s the official GQ shot, complete with my hard hat.

I had fun wearing this to Home Depot with Daddy.  I think a lot of the people there wish they had their own.

And you can never be too safe.  There’s no reason not to wear a safety vest 24/7!

Emptying the Dishwasher

January 22nd, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Lately, I’ve been an extra good helper.  And I have my safety vest so I can be extra safe!  Watch me in action!

(Ed. Note: New YouTube format that supports HTML5.  Hopefully this will play for people.  If not, please let me know.)

Haircut and a movie

January 18th, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

After all the Christmas excitement was over, it was time for another haircut.  I like haircuts because I get to watch the extra long trash truck video.

But Dad thinks I shouldn’t sit so close to the “TV” when I watch my videos.  Whatever.


Train Town with Meridith and Cole

January 14th, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

We met Meridith and Cole at Train Town.  First up was a ride on the train!

I was a little scared going into the first tunnel…

…but after that it was smooth sailing (er… riding)

After the train, we went on the Merry-Go-Round…

…and the Ferris Wheel!

Train Town is lots of fun!

Christmas at Ma & Pa’s

January 11th, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

The big draw at Ma and Pa’s was getting to see Avery!  I had been waiting the whole trip to see her, and the time had finally come.

Oh, and was great to see Ma and Pa, too.  But Avery is really fun.  And isn’t she pretty in her princess dress?  And we got to open presents!

There’s nothing like a few presents to convince me that I should smile for a picture.

I also had fun playing in the water next door.  It turns out you can draw with the water from the pool just like I do in the backyard at home.

Avery and I got some new books for Christmas.  Mommy spent some time reading with us.

I also got to help Pa diagnose a tire puncture.  He took it to the shop right away to get it fixed.  I thought that was the right thing to do.

And of course, no Christmas trip is complete without MORE present opening with Avery.  This time we were at Aunt Danee and Uncle Tommy’s.  They gave me a very nice set of wooden trucks that I just love playing with all the time!

Finally, we went to the museum where Ma works.  There was a big whale with doors so you could see inside.

Thanks for showing us your museum, Ma! And thanks for letting us visit with you!  It sure was fun seeing you and Pa.


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