Skydiving & Dr. Eeeeeevil
June 19th, 2008. (2 weeks, 4 days old.) by benTwo words: Skydiving practice. ’nuff said.
Working on my Austin Powers Dr. Evil look – what do you think? “Eeeeeeevil….”
Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 3 weeks old.
Andrew is 12 years, 1 week, 3 days old.
Two words: Skydiving practice. ’nuff said.
Today I went into the doctor for my 2 week checkup. The first indication about the visit was before we even left the house. Mommy and Daddy had to adjust the carseat straps because I was too big! Later, at the doctor’s office, they weighed me in at 9 lbs., 7.5 oz., and 21.25 inches long! There must be something in the water… errrrr milk that is.
Here’s what I look like in my carseat now: (Compare to when I left the hospital.)
After I got home, I took a snooze in the swing:
Well, I’m officially two weeks old today, and Daddy finally worked up the guts to try me on. (Ed. Note: Hey!) We had fun walking around the house. I’m very well behaved when I’m in the ‘Moby’ – I mostly sleep.
Well, I’m officially one week old today, and I’m finally getting comfortable in my new home:
I’m also branching out in my wardrobe choices. Here, I’m modeling some sheep slippers all the way from New Zealand (or is it Australia?) (Thanks, Kay!)
And here, I’m wearing one of the latest Mommies in Sonoma County!
And here I am sleeping in one of my Spring Collection onesies. Don’t I look just too cute in yellow? And the Wild Child pacifier portrays my inner child even when it doesn’t look like it…
In case you haven’t met them, here’s my parents. What are they so happy about anyway? (I think it must be sleep deprivation kicking in.)
This is how I let people know that I’m hungry. My motto is “Open and Lunge!”
Today I’m trying out my new bouncer for the first time. I like all the animals keeping watch over me.
Now that I’m almost two (Ed. Note: 2 weeks old), I like to contemplate the meaning of life like grownups.
At first, Atlas didn’t know what to make of me. But as it turns out, he and I have something in common. <Yawn!> I think we’re going to get along just fine.
Grandma came to visit and help take care of me and Mom. She doesn’t look to put out about it if you ask me…
(It’s not her fault – she can’t resist my Grand-magnatism. Or is it Grandma-gnatism?)
Dad and I are having a little bonding time. Dad is really great taking care of me, but let’s just say that hopefully Mom will continue picking out my clothes…
First, I had to get all dressed up for the big day. These digs were a big improvement over the hospital issue stuff…
Then I hopped in my ride… SnugRide that is.
Of course, Mom wanted in on a picture – what a ham!
The Kaiser nurses gave me a rose on my discharge day. They were soooooo nice.
I met my first fan while being escorted out of the hospital. OK, maybe it was more like my 10th or 11th fan if you count the ‘rents and nursing staff…
All in all, it was a pretty good day!
– Benjamin Raymond Stark – June 1, 2008
Born 7:44am, 7 lbs. 15 oz., 20 inches
(They told Daddy that the mohawk is standard-issue Kaiser.)