11 months old
December 16th, 2013. (11 months old.) by andrewNow that I’m 11 months old, sometimes it seems like 10 months was better. Teething is hard!
But I am getting closer to walking!
Now that I’m 11 months old, sometimes it seems like 10 months was better. Teething is hard!
But I am getting closer to walking!
Now that I’m 10 months old, I like to be sitting up and playing – not lying down for my pictures!
Mommy does a great job of making sure that I’m busy all day!
At nine months, I’m sporting my new tongue look. This is mostly to try and hide my new tooth from M&D – I want to surprise them with it later!
Also, I don’t like posing on my back so much these days. So Daddy got his assistant to help with an alternative format.
Fun things when you’re nine months old include Puffs (to eat), bananas (to eat), and bigger clothes (to eat).
I’m pulling up now, and I’m very proud of myself. You can look forward to me walking soon!
(Ed. Note: Crib mattress was summarily lowered!)
I’m getting to be a big kid now! I can crawl all over the place and pull up on some things now!
The waste baskets are not safe! Bwa ha ha ha!
Here’s some older pictures of me so you can look:
For homework, I had to “sort” and “classify” the laundry. I chose to sort by color. Here you can see my handiwork. Don’t my stacks look pretty?
Mommy helped me by folding it all. (Thanks, Mommy!) I drew a picture to describe how I did my sorting that I turn back in to my teacher.
I wonder if I get extra credit for keeping Andrew away from my piles!
I was very excited about my first day! I had my lunch and backpack and I was ready to go.
Some of my friends from BCC are in my class. Our teacher, Mrs. Pressler, is very nice.
I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!
That’s right! It’s me and I’m over seven months old now! I’m eating yummy sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, and squash.
And I’m pumping and priming my legs getting ready to crawl. Just wait until 8 months and you won’t be able to take these pictures any more! I’ll be crawling away!
I’m 6 and Ben’s only 5! I’m 6 and Ben’s only 5! I’m 6 and Ben’s only 5! I’m 6 and Ben’s only 5! Wooo hooo!
(Ed. Note: We didn’t have the heart to explain to him about months and years…)
Grandpa and Nana came up to visit for my birthday. They got me some Legos and Thomas trains which I started playing with immediately!
Later we had a few friends over for a party. Mommy made two cakes: chocolate and vanilla!
And now the best part! Mmmmmmm…..
(Ed. Note: Sorry for the late posting on this one…)
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