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9 months old

October 12th, 2013. (9 months old.) by andrew

At nine months, I’m sporting my new tongue look.  This is mostly to try and hide my new tooth from M&D – I want to surprise them with it later!

Also, I don’t like posing on my back so much these days.  So Daddy got his assistant to help with an alternative format.

Fun things when you’re nine months old include Puffs (to eat), bananas (to eat), and bigger clothes (to eat).

2 Responses to “9 months old”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    At 9 months, everything goes into the mouth just to see if it tastes good.

  2. comment number 2 by: Ma

    This is a great picture because both boys are smiling and sharing the moment! Luv, Ma