May 3rd, 2010. (23 months old.) by benAfter the Marilyn Monroe incident, M&D decided that I needed a haircut – my first!
Here I am with my original curly locks:
And here I am now, with my “older kid” haircut.
Do I look 2 yet?
After the Marilyn Monroe incident, M&D decided that I needed a haircut – my first!
Here I am with my original curly locks:
And here I am now, with my “older kid” haircut.
Do I look 2 yet?
M&D took me to where I’ll be starting what they call ‘Day Care’. It looks to me like a place with friendly people, other kids, and LOTS OF TOYS! Yay! In addition to seeing LOTS OF TOYS, I got to meet some of the friendly people and see where I’ll be spending a couple days a week.
Here I am on one of the fun climbing toys. They say that they can make this one even taller for advanced climbers like me!
I had a great first birthday weekend extravaganza! My Ma and Pa, and Grandpa and Mr. Alton came to visit. And yesterday, the Knapps all came over to visit and sing to me!
Mommy handled delivery of my first cupcake. I think the following sequence says it all:
Turns out those wascally cupcakes can be tough to eat! But I got a piece of ’em!
(Ed. Note: Ben, I’m sure you’ll know what to do when next year rolls around!)
Enough of the walker already! I’m ready to be free! I think my videographer did a good job of capturing how happy I am to be walking on my own. To Infinity, and Beyond!
(Ed. Note: And no kneecaps required!)
Well, I’m finally getting good enough at this walking thing to start letting go sometimes. Have a look!
(Ed. Note: For those of you readers who apparently equate the blogging of the event with the truth of the occurance of the event (you know who you are!), it is now true that Ben is walking. )
Today, Daddy took me to Home Depot – and we left Mommy at home! While we were there I was making noises like “OOOOmmmm” and “ga ga ga ga”, which apparently makes me fit right in with all of the other guys there, particularly in the power tools section. Daddy was saying something about “rite of passage” and “this not being my last trip here”, which I’m not sure I understand. I did think the zillions of things stacked floor to ceiling were pretty cool, so I don’t think I’d mind coming back.
Boy did I have a good time today! Not only was Daddy home from work today, but Mommy did a great job of capturing my latest and greatest for the ages. World, here I come!
Well, the day finally came. I wonder what M&D thought when they found me in my crib this morning – facing the wrong way and on my tummy!?
I acted like nothing had happened, but they got all excited for some reason.
Later that day, M&D got a command performance out of me so that y’all could watch!
Thank you…. thank you very much.
(Ed. Note: You can download the video here. Also, there’s a copy on YouTube. (Be sure to click on ‘watch in hight quality’)
Or you can look at it right here:)