Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Napping Olympics

November 15th, 2008. (5 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Sometimes napping can be hard to do.  But that just means that there’s opportunity here.   For example, if napping could be an Olympic sport, I’m sure I could bring home the gold medal!

Here I am doing an In-Crib “Exposed Double Foot Peek” maneuver as I thrash my way to slumber.

And here’s my strong finish, which I’m calling the “Partial Blanket, Half Twist, Binky In”.  Level of difficulty:  High.  Olympic Gold, here I come!

Ten Marching Piggies

November 2nd, 2008. (5 months old.) by ben

A moving demonstration of my Jumperoo prowess… Behold!

(Ed. Note: You can watch in higher quality on YouTube here)

Big Ben, Little Ben

October 29th, 2008. (4 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Big Ben tells Londeners the time, any time of the day or night.

I tell Mommy & Daddy when it is 3am, and 5am, and other times when I’m hungry or tired!

Big Ben has two hands.  So do I!

Big Ben has a round face.  So do I!

Big Ben is famous and very popular with people around the world.  I’m famous and popular with the people within my world!

Look – can you see the similarity?

Slow Speed Chase

October 21st, 2008. (4 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Just hold still there, Atlas, and I’m gonna catch you!

Ok, now you’re just mocking me….

Motherly Love… solved.

October 9th, 2008. (4 months, 1 week old.) by ben

OK… so not quite.  But I do think I’ve worked out part of the formula to calculate how time and distance work into the equation.  What I’ve noticed is that when Mommy goes away, her motherly urge to return (and bask in my presence) depends on the time and distance.

As long as she is close enough, the time doesn’t matter.  But once she’s far enough away, then the time factor kicks in exponentially.  Distance matters less in contributing to the urge once the distance threshold has been crossed.

So we have a discontinuous function U (urge to return) of distance d and time t, U(d,t).

For d < D, U(d,t) = 0

for d >= D, U(d,t) = t1.2/T’ * (d-D)/D’

where D is approximately 100 meters, and D’ and T’ are a scaling factors.

If any of my math buddies out there (you know who you are) can help me express  this relationship better, please do let me know.

One other interesting tidbit: Mommy discovered recently that the distance d really is a spacial distance, and not a distance as one would often express in while traveling by car in L.A., i.e. in units of time.   In other words, it matters not how long it would take her to return, just how far away she is.  Being 10 minutes away by car can seem further away than 20 minutes on foot!  How strange!

And, just to make this post more interesting, here’s a picture of me & Daddy from our recent professional photo shoot.

(Photo credit: Jeneanne Ericsson)


October 8th, 2008. (4 months, 1 week old.) by ben

I’m thinking of starting a picture dictionary to help my vocabulary.

(Ed. Note: Now now, Ben, even the best baby in the universe probably still spits up from time to time!)

I twawt I twah a putty tat!

September 25th, 2008. (3 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Shhhhh!   Be vewwy vewwy qwiet!

Ben stalking Atlas

Ummm…. OK, you can make some noise if you help me get closer.  Please.

New Toy!

September 23rd, 2008. (3 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

M&D have gone all out!  And this time I think they’re going to let me keep it!  It’s my new Rainforest Jumperoo!  All the colors and sounds!  And it lets me stand (if my legs were just a couple inches longer) and bounce!

Rainforest Jumperoo

In case that last picture didn’t convey the enthusiasm, let me repeat: Yay!

Ben Smiling in Jumperoo

Stark Grandparents Visit

August 30th, 2008. (2 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Grandpa and Nana decided it was time to come up for a visit, so they came by this last Tuesday to see me.

We had a great time getting to know each other.  Having already met Grandpa on my birthday, I’m already warmed up to doing my best 3-month baby cute look for Grandpa.

And this shot was taken when I was still just getting to know Nana.

It wasn’t long before we moved on to one of my favorite activities – standing practice!  (Is the genetic origin of my eyebrows apparent in this picture?)

I definitely enjoyed being the center of attention:

We walked down to the Village Market for dinner.  This picture shows my future as a Stark male, and what I’m going to look like when I’m 33 and then 61 years old.  My shirts will get greener, my hair will get longer, my hats will get bigger, and at some point I’ll get blue and white New Balance tennis shoes.  Well, I guess its better to know than not, eh?

Do Over

August 25th, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

You know how sometimes the picture gets taken at just the wrong time?  I think must be what happened here.

Where’s the picture right after this of me smiling happily?  Ummm… I think it got lost.

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