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Napping Olympics

November 15th, 2008. (5 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Sometimes napping can be hard to do.  But that just means that there’s opportunity here.   For example, if napping could be an Olympic sport, I’m sure I could bring home the gold medal!

Here I am doing an In-Crib “Exposed Double Foot Peek” maneuver as I thrash my way to slumber.

And here’s my strong finish, which I’m calling the “Partial Blanket, Half Twist, Binky In”.  Level of difficulty:  High.  Olympic Gold, here I come!

One Response to “Napping Olympics”

  1. comment number 1 by: Mike Grady

    I give this a 10 as I’m sure all of the other judges will. I too smell a gold medal.