Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Summer Vacation – LA bound

July 26th, 2012. (4 years, 1 month old.) by ben

We’re now back from our vacation, but I wanted to tell you all about it.

We started by driving all the way to Los Angeles.  Our first stop was Ghiradelli’s for ice cream.  That made all the driving worth it – at least that’s what Mommy said!

We had some fun climbing on the rocks and looking for otters amongst the kelp.  We found a crab claw and a starfish!

After all that excitement, I retired to our room to relax with the rock garden.

The next day we drove through Big Sur and stopped at this very functional bridge.  There was a waterfall there, too.

With all the driving we were doing, I got very good at sleeping in the van.

Later we were at the pier in Santa Barbara.  They had some very neat flags – and more ice cream!

The next morning, I got to carry our “officially sanctioned” breakfast down to the lobby for breakfast.  I think M&D wanted me to eat something good after all that ice cream!

Next… on to Ma and Pa’s!

3 Responses to “Summer Vacation – LA bound”

  1. comment number 1 by: Cameron

    Hooray! Glad you guys had a nice drive! That’s half the battle!

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    I’m glad to see Ben is enjoying his travels in the new family van. It seems to have all the comforts of home. Of course lots of stops to have adventures help as it puts you to sleep during the interim periods! Way to go Ben. We look forward to the next time you come to visit.

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    HI Ben, it has been a while since I visited your blog and there are now some really exciting pictures of your vacation for us to see! You really had some adventures and I know you enjoyed them in your own quiet way—-except when it comes to trucks, and then you are very vocal! Luv yu