Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Just plain silly

March 3rd, 2014. (5 years, 9 months old.) by ben

Don’t I look cool?  Yeah!

I insisted that Daddy take my picture and put it on the blog.

(Ed. Note: … to the delight of future girlfriends, no doubt…)

3 Responses to “Just plain silly”

  1. comment number 1 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben, I really like your silly pictures and I am glad Daddy posted this one! It is so much fun to be silly, isn’t it? Silly-ness is funny and makes us all laugh and smile! Keep it up, Ben! Luv, Ma

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa

    Looking good there Ben. I wonder exactly what the use of the swimming glasses is though. Is that so you won’t get water in the eye when Andrew splashes around?

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    HI Ben, I just had to revisit this picture because I think it is so funny! I love silly pictures and you are the best at being silly! Love, Ma