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Santa Rosa Rose Parade

May 15th, 2010. (23 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I was in the Santa Rosa Rose Parade today!  My first parade – and I was in it!

I rolled with the Santa Rosa Mother’s Club.  Here we are before the start – getting psyched up, and of course having some snacks to take the edge off.  Notice the custom mods M&D made to my stroller – I’ve got roses everywhere.


Here’s the stroller’s eye view from inside the parade!  There were lots of people cheering and waving.  Wow!


One day, maybe M&D will have to take me to a parade that I can watch.

My favorite part of the day was seeing all of the fire trucks that were in the parade.  I also got to see my first marching band!

2 Responses to “Santa Rosa Rose Parade”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa

    So at less than 2 years old Ben has been his own parade float! Great job Ben!

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    You have really had some fun adventures lately, Ben. First, the garbage and firetruck experiences with Grandpa Stark, now a real parade complete with band! I am very glad mom and dad took pictures and posted them so we could all share in your fun day!