Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Dr. Ben

November 20th, 2010. (2 years, 5 months old.) by ben

It was time to give M&D a checkup, so I got out my doctor kit to get started.  First up, Daddy:

I started by listening to the heart and lungs with my steth-o-scope.

Then it was time to check out Daddy’s ears.  I thought I would see if there is something wrong with his ears since he doesn’t always do what I tell him.  Maybe he just can’t hear me?  Turns out there was ‘food’ in there!  Maybe he’ll be able to hear me better now!

Next up was Mommy.  She got a blood pressure check…

… an ear exam…

… and I listened to her chest, too.

Overall, M&D are in pretty good shape.  Not bad after over two years of taking care of me!

4 Responses to “Dr. Ben”

  1. comment number 1 by: Mommy

    Ben was very serious about these check ups. It was so cute!

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    Wow! It looks like Ben is a natural born doctor. It appears that he knows just how to use all that complicated medical equipment. It also appears that he is using his gentle hands when checking out M&D. It will be good to have a doctor in the family when M&D get older!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    I get such a kick out of seeing Ben absorbed in whatever he is interested in at the time—whether it be giving a doctor’s checkup or making a pile of something and pretending to move things from one place to another, just as if he were really an adult doing it. Ben is like a little sponge taking in everything. It is really fun seeing things from a 2-year-old perspective.

  4. comment number 4 by: Cameron

    Glad to see mom and dad are in good health! Way to go Dr. Ben!