Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Talk Time

December 18th, 2010. (2 years, 6 months old.) by ben

The more I watch M&D, the more I can figure out how to use their gadgets.  Take my phone, for instance:

Flip it open, and talk.

What could be simpler?

(Ed. Note: Wait ’till this kid is 12…)

One Response to “Talk Time”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    Aaah, the old learn by observing technique. I’m sure that Ben has M&D under a watchful eye at all times to see how they do things around the house. He has already learned how to help with the laundry, watch his favorite garbage truck video on dads ITouch & help mom make pies. How much harder could a cell phone be. As soon as he is up on them, Granpa needs his help! I have a lot of questions about my new Droid.