Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Books Before Bed

February 20th, 2011. (2 years, 8 months old.) by ben

I always read books before bed with Mommy or Daddy.  Since Christmas, one of my favorite books has been Airport from Aunt  Liz and Uncle Ryan.

I love all of the machines and people that are in the book, and telling M&D what they’re doing.  From the passengers (“Mommy, Daddy, and little boy” and “Guy with the 10 gallon hat”) to the skycaps to the pilots, this is a fun book!

(Ed. Note: Maybe Ben’s next room design will have to be the view from an airport control tower?)

2 Responses to “Books Before Bed”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    It is understandable that Ben likes airports and airplanes. This is pretty much an inherited trait for the Stark boys. Seeing that his dad, granddad, great granddad, great uncle and cousin all have pilots licenses he couldn’t be anything but interested. I’m sure that dad will get him into R/C model flying when the right time comes along.

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    What beautiful eyes! They say it all, don’t they? Ben looks a bit perplexed about something that he doesn’t quite understand and for which he will certainly ask for an explanation. Not being a little boy myself, I don’t get the fascination with “cars and trucks and things that go”, but I think airports are exciting, too. The airplanes can take you to far off exciting places—like Southern California— right, Ben?