Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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iPad in repose

March 5th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

Lately I’ve been going pee pee on the potty!  M&D made a sticker chart for me, and every time I go, I get a sticker!   Also, I can watch videos while I wait for the pee pees to come.  This potty thing isn’t so bad.

2 Responses to “iPad in repose”

  1. comment number 1 by: Mommy

    For those that are wondering, yes, the iPad has been sprayed during one of these pee pee sessions. It has also been sanitized, so users need not worry about that. :)

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    Wow, Ben gets to use the grown up pottie to learn something he will use all his life. I hope he figures this all out soon as it will be great for everyone including Ben.
    I wouldn’t worry about a little spray on the IPad. You know, during the Civil War, they used to have young boys urinate on the soldiers wounds as the urine was sterile and would clean out the wound. All it needs is a wiping down. Hopefully the salty water doesn’t get into the works.