Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Cheese is Grate!

March 20th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

I still like helping M&D in the kitchen.  Especially when it involves cheese.  And really especially when I get to eat some of that cheese.  Mmmmm….

Can you believe Mommy lets me use the cheese grater?

4 Responses to “Cheese is Grate!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Stephanie

    No I can’t believe you let him grate the cheese! I’m not sure if I would let June do that. I can barely do that without cutting off my finger tips! And then I love how consistent you are with the rule – must be sitting to eat. And good old Ben. Actually, sits down to take a snack of the cheese. He is so good at following the rules. My house must seem so out of control to you guys! Kids walking around eating pretzels! Crazy!

  2. comment number 2 by: Don Stark

    I’m sure that M&D had a talk with Ben about keeping his fingers and knuckles away from the cheese grater. Still it is makes me nervous to watch him getting close!

    Ben is getting a lot of kitchen time with M&D. By the time he is 10 he won’t be just scrambling eggs, he’ll be making gourmet omelettes! He’s going to be a heck of a catch for some young lady just like his Dad!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Well, I think I have watched this video a dozen times and I have the same reaction each time: watch your fingers, Ben! The runny nose is a nice touch, too, but it was caught just in the nick of time! What a good kid is Ben! He follows directions unlike any other 2 1/2 yr old I have ever come in contact with, has enough self-discipline to not eat the whole hunk of cheese with his teeth, hasn’t scraped those fingers or grated any fingernails yet, and can handle “you will have to wait until dinnertime” without even a fuss! How come I haven’t that same self-discipline? Clearly he doesn’t take after his maternal grandmother, who doesn’t wait until dinnertime, has scraped those fingers and nails before, who used her sleeve when the nose runs at the wrong time, AND has eaten a goodly amount of that cheese while grating! We love you, Ben!

  4. comment number 4 by: Wil

    Is that what the crunchy stuff is on your pizza toppings? I always wondered? J/K.