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Sorting the Mail

April 10th, 2011. (2 years, 10 months old.) by ben

Recently I got to help the Mother’s Club prepare a mailing for their upcoming event.

I got to do all of the envelope sorting.  I hope all of the recipients will sense time and dedication I put into sorting their letters!

3 Responses to “Sorting the Mail”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    Looks like Ben is channeling that natural inclination of his to put things in and out of boxes to good use. What a helper!

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben, it looks like you and Mommy have been quite busy working for the Mother’s Club. Does the mailperson take all those letters when you put them in the mailbox? Maybe you would like to be a mailperson some day, after your Target job, of course!

  3. comment number 3 by: Mommy

    I think Ben would LOVE to be a mail delivery guy. Just this weekend, he was scooting around on his trike and delivery the letters to chairs and countertops all over the house!