Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Mirror mirror on the floor…

October 7th, 2008. (4 months old.) by ben

… who’s the cutest of the dwarves?  Ok, so I’m kinda short, even if I’m not a dwarf.  You try coming up with a word that rhymes with “floor”.  Now do it with my vocabulary.  See?

Sometimes Mommy puts the mirror out for me to look in during Tummy Time.  I almost always smile when I see that kid in the mirror.  He is so good looking and happy.  Can’t he come out and play?  I guess he can’t since it doesn’t look like he could fit through to come to my side.  M&D, can we get a bigger one of these parallel dimension portal thingys?

One Response to “Mirror mirror on the floor…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jake & Sammi

    Precious, precious, precious! If only we could bottle that expression and spread it throughout the world today! Pure joy!