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Recycling at the Farmer’s Market

October 26th, 2011. (3 years, 4 months old.) by ben

They have recycle bins at the Farmer’s Market.  Sometimes they have to be inspected and moved around.  You know.  Just because.

Good thing I brought my work gloves.  I’m just the guy for the job!

(Ed. Note: Now, if we could just figure out who to send the bill to…)

2 Responses to “Recycling at the Farmer’s Market”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    I can see now that M&D won’t have to put out the trash from now on. Ben is on the job and all too ready to help with this task.

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    Hey, Ben, we could use you around here to help with our trash cans. We always have projects and Ben is a good helper—a perfect fit! Luv yu, Ma