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Grandma Stark Visits!

October 3rd, 2008. (4 months old.) by ben

Grandma came to visit last weekend, and it was really good to see her again.  I hardly remembered her from last time – I mean at the time I had literally been “born yesterday”.  And I mean “literally” like it is actually defined, not like some people use it when they’re really just trying to add emphasis.  But I digress…

But these days I’ve learned a few more tricks for keeping Grandmas entertained, like smiling and standing up (with help), so I was able to keep Grandma around for a couple of days before she had to go.

Thanks for coming to visit Grandma!  I look forward to seeing you again soon!

(Ed. Note: Sorry for the delay in postings.  The Editor has been busy releasing a new product at work.)

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