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Twinkle Twinkle Duet

November 30th, 2011. (3 years, 5 months old.) by ben

And now, without further ado, Zoey and I shall perform our avant-garde rendition of: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

3 Responses to “Twinkle Twinkle Duet”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    Are these kids cute or what! Way to go Zoey & Ben.

  2. comment number 2 by: Cameron

    Bravo! Encore Encore!!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Hey, Ben! You have the makings of a great musician! The tune for “Twinkle” was written by Mozart, I think, so you are beginning your musical career with one of the famous composers—how special is that? I am so glad that your school teachers are introducing music and rhythm to you and your friends, because it comes so easily and naturally when you are a child. By the way, your mom and dad both play the piano and mom even tried the ukelele for a while. Your grandma Harris is an accomp-lished pianist, too. What a wonderful family background in music! I can see it now, your name in lights—Benjamin Stark In Concert! Luv yu, Ma