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Going for a special walk

November 5th, 2011. (3 years, 5 months old.) by ben

Today, I’m going for a special walk with Mommy. We are walking to support our friend Taylor who has Neurofibromatosis. Taylor is also walking today—although he is down in San Diego walking in the official Children’s Tumor Foundation walk. We couldn’t go to San Diego this weekend, but we wanted Taylor to know we were thinking of him.

Go Team Taylor!

2 Responses to “Going for a special walk”

  1. comment number 1 by: Barbara

    Wow, Ben! What a wonderful thing you did for your friend Taylor and his family! When someone is sick they really need to know that other people love them and are thinking of them. They also need to know that they are important and when you and Mommy took your walk you were telling Taylor that he is important even though he may be sick. You and Mommy did a wonderful thing, and we are proud of you! Luv yu, Ma and Pa

  2. comment number 2 by: Cameron

    Awww! This made me want to cry! You two are so sweet Jen.