Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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January 3rd, 2012. (3 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Christmas is here!  Well, M&D got me off to a good start with my very own side-loader trash truck!

This baby really picks up the cans. And it also drives and dumps, and the cab tilts forward so you can fix the motor!


3 Responses to “Christmas!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Cameron

    SO cool Ben! I know a little boy who would love to get his hands on that thing!

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    Finally Ben has a model of the same trash truck that he has watched pick up the neighborhood trash for years! Does it pick up the trash can your dad fixed for you? Wow and the cab tilts forward to allow you to see the motor. I’m sure Ben will have hours of fun with his new truck.

  3. comment number 3 by: Wil

    And not to worry, Dad. The front loader is still getting just as much play time as the new side loader now that we’re back home. In fact, they can race!