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Avery visit, 2nd unit gag reel

April 5th, 2012. (3 years, 10 months old.) by ben

The second unit finally delivered their footage, and it turns out there was some good stuff on the gag reel.

Boy, that Avery can be silly!

2 Responses to “Avery visit, 2nd unit gag reel”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    What a cute “Cuz”. I can see Ben and Avery getting along far into the future.

  2. comment number 2 by: Mommy

    It is a bit hard to see in the pictures, but Ben’s hair is sticking straight up on the side of his head. (he just woke up from his nap that way)
    He refused to let me brush it. So I took tons of pictures, instead. 😉