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Visit to the air museum

April 11th, 2012. (3 years, 10 months old.) by ben

It was hot dog day at the air museum, so Mommy took me over, and Daddy even took a “long lunch” so he could come, too.

We looked at lots of airplanes, but the most fun was playing Ex delivery man, and delivering packages from the airplane while Daddy flew the plane.  My friend Elliott helped!

I also got to sit at the controls of this helicopter.  I was a little worried, but the nice man in charge assured me that it would NOT take off.


5 Responses to “Visit to the air museum”

  1. comment number 1 by: Tiffany

    Is this the air museum by the airport? We’ve been meaning to head out there, but haven’t yet. Do you think 2 is too young?

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    I believe that the airplane that daddy is sitting in is the T37 or Tweet that all the Airforce pilots used to take their initial jet training in. Your Uncle Ray flew one of those when he learned to fly jets. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. I’m sure that in a few more years Ben will appreciate the aircraft even more.

  3. comment number 3 by: Wil

    Good spot, Dad. Yes, it’s a T37 Tweet. We never did get Ben to sit in it. He was concerned that it might take off. (That would, of course, make me _want_ to sit in it…) He was content to go up and down the ladder delivering packages from his ‘X plane’.

  4. comment number 4 by: Wil

    @Tiffany, I think 2 is too young to appreciate the airplanes. For that matter, 3.5 is a bit young. But on a sunny day it is not a bad place to go running around, either. Lots of grass. Then again, Ben’s friends (Elliott and twin Jack) are almost 3 and did pretty well climbing into the open cockpits.

  5. comment number 5 by: Cameron

    So cool!!! Up close and personal with all the awesome airplanes!