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Ice Cream Treat

September 16th, 2012. (4 years, 3 months old.) by ben

For doing such a good job on my swimming lessons, M&D took me out for an ice cream treat.  Yum!

3 Responses to “Ice Cream Treat”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    What a lucky guy, having fun in the pool and then getting ice cream afterward. Glad to hear that the swimming lessons are going well Ben. This is something you need to learn.

  2. comment number 2 by: Cameron

    Great job Ben for doing so well at your swim lesson that you got such an awesome treat! My favorite at Baskin Robbins is Mint Chocolate Chip with Rainbow sprinkles. :-)

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    HI Ben, I think that ice cream is a great treat for a good swimming lesson—unless you get to buy a lego set instead! Luv yu, Ma