Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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September 15th, 2012. (4 years, 3 months old.) by ben

The crickets were so loud that I had to put ‘Mater on my ear to block out the noise.

(Ed. Note: Looks like it worked, Ben!)

3 Responses to “Crickets!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Steph

    He would hate sleeping in our Boys Room. They use a sound machine and the sound of choice is summer night. Basically it sounds like bugs!

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    A boys gotta do whatever is necessary to get some shut-eye! Good thinking Ben!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben, that bed of yours is looking a little crowded these days! But if they are your buddies, it really is the best way to sleep. Luv yu, Ma