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New Bed

December 22nd, 2012. (4 years, 6 months old.) by ben

Now that I’m 4 1/2, outgrowing my old bed, and expecting a new baby brother, M&D decided that it was time for me to get a new big bed.

And along with my new bed I have cool new truck sheets and a construction machines comforter!  Hopefully they won’t be so noisy as to keep me awake at night!

Here I am trying it out for the first time.

2 Responses to “New Bed”

  1. comment number 1 by: Steph

    I’ll have to show Jack & Elliott! They have the same blanket!

  2. comment number 2 by: Granpa Stark

    Ben, it looks like you are going to have to do some growing to fit in your new bed! I’m sure it will be good for many years before you need a new one. I like the quilt!