Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Lego Catalog Shopping

April 5th, 2013. (4 years, 10 months old.) by ben

When M&D can’t take me to the store to look at Lego sets, I just catalog shop at home.

There’s lots of time at rest time to go over every detail of these!

One Response to “Lego Catalog Shopping”

  1. comment number 1 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben, I can see that legos are your passion right now. I used to spend hours looking at catalogs for paint by number kits when I was younger (maybe about 10 or so) and trying to find the perfect one so I could spend my allowance on one when I had saved enough money! In those days the whole kit cost about $4.50 but I didn’t make much money then and it took a while to save that much. But it was fun to have a passion and work for it! My other passions were horses and dogs, and I would read and read books about them, which I borrowed from the library or was given for Christmas. Oh, what fun!