Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Rough Day

December 6th, 2008. (6 months old.) by ben

Ever just have one of those days?  Well, yesterday I started off by giving myself a big scratch on my nose from the edge of my plastic toy bucket.  Ouch!  Then it was a trip to the doctor where I got 4 shots!  Ouch ouch ouch ouch!  And the doctor visit was right in the middle of nap time!

And to top it off, the cat is usurping my throne bouncer!

What’s the world coming to?

One Response to “Rough Day”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    Oh my goodness, you have allowed the perfect baby to disfigure himslelf! Probably not the last time he’s gonna do this. Kids have a way of leading with the face!