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Safari West Field Trip

June 7th, 2013. (5 years old.) by ben

The Penguins went on a field trip to Safari West!  It was fun and exciting to see all of the strange animals, like these lemurs.

My favorite was the flamingos.  They have a very pretty color.

They had lots of monkeys of all different kinds.

For the second part of the trip, we rode on a bus with no sides out to where the giraffes and rhinos were!  There were also addax, bongos, kudu, and a red river hog.

The giraffes were very tall – and friendly.  They came right up to visit with us and say hello!

2 Responses to “Safari West Field Trip”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    Ben, it is amazing how many strange and interesting critters there are out there in the world. We are used to cats, dogs, cows, etc. but these kind of critters can only be seen in zoos like Safari West. Thank goodness there are places we can go and see them up close. Glad you had fun and I’m sure you will remember your visit with the animals. Especially the friendly giraffes. Boy are they tall!

  2. comment number 2 by: Ma

    Wow, Ben, what an interesting place to visit! You saw some unusual animals! Luv, Ma