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Ice Cream Treat

July 22nd, 2013. (5 years, 1 month old.) by ben

Aunt Liz and Uncle Ryan gave me some ice cream money for my birthday.  Well, it was finally hot enough to go for a treat, so we did!

Of course, I got cookies & cream, my favorite flavor.  Thanks Aunt Liz and Uncle Ryan!

3 Responses to “Ice Cream Treat”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    Ben, what better thing to spend your birthday money on in the summer time but a nice cold cone of ice cream? It looks yummy!

  2. comment number 2 by: Anne

    I love cookies and creme too Ben! You are looking so big these days, and I love the hat!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben, I am sorry that we did not get ice cream when we came to visit with you! Pa loves ice cream for dessert and has some every night—hot days and cold days! Luv, Ma