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October Fare

October 6th, 2013. (8 months, 3 weeks old.) by andrew

Looks like Orange Ghoulash on the menu today.  I think it’s turning me orange!

I think M&D are trying to turn me into a pumpkin by Halloween!  But… so yummy! Mmmmm….

3 Responses to “October Fare”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa Stark

    Looks like Andrew is a healthy eater. I hear from mom that he also has his first tooth! One day soon, he will be able to chew his own food. Go Andrew!

  2. comment number 2 by: Cameron

    You make the Goulash look good Andrew!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Hi Andy-roo, you look liike a good little eater and I know that makes Mom and Dad very happy! Orange is a good color! Luv, Ma