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Crib mechanic

January 10th, 2009. (7 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Here you can see Daddy doing my 6 month / 2000 hour crib maintenance work.

As you can see he’s lowering the suspension for that cool ‘older kid’ look.

I’m told the work also includes ‘checking the fluids’ (perhaps he meant ‘absence of fluids’?), lubing the drawer bearings, and torquing the fasteners.

That all sounds great, but I decided to decline the optional bumper pad rotation and mattress pad de-pilling, which really sounded unnecessary and even a little suspicious!

And I have to say, are the air tools from Grandpa really necessary for this job?  Well, I’m sure Daddy knows what he’s doing!  Tonight I’m gonna sleep really well!

One Response to “Crib mechanic”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    No matter what the job, using air tools is always better than not using them!! Good to see you are keeping Ben’s buggy up although I don’t think he’ll hit a 100,000 hours. The upkeep will help in the resale though.

    Love Granpa